
Dollop of Sunshine is my earnest effort to document and share the three primary passions of my life… Food ~ Fotography ~ Travel

Cooking my biggest stress-buster
I started cooking at a tender age of 13. Thanks to my ‘Amma’ (mother in tamil) who would bravely just hand over the kitchen to me every Sunday while she went to her yoga class. And thanks to my brother Karthik and husband Prado who have been the guinea-pigs for all my experiments in my kitchen.

Slowly but steadily I graduated from cooking simple, everyday home food to exotic and exciting Indian and world cuisine. I continue to enjoy this exciting and adventurous culinary journey with few kitchen disasters, some blunders and tears, and lot of laughter and good food on the way spicing up my life!

“You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces – just good food from fresh ingredients.” ~ Julia Child

Fida on Fotography
What can I say about fotography. It’s a junoon that was born 13 years back when me (with my brand new SLR – Nikon FM2) and a few friends just decided to travel to Rajasthan on a shoestring budget.

Since then I have armed myself with my SLR and DSLR to capture lovely memories, be it different people and cultures and their cuisines during my travels, my two Dalmatian puppies who are at their antics all the time, what’s cooking in Kavi’s Kitchen or just forms, colours, textures and light!

“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.” ~ Henri Cartier-Bresson

Travel is Life
There are so many reasons to travel, but the crux of it is that there’s always an element of the unknown, of experiencing a fresh slice of life.  And that to me is its attraction. I love travel’s unexpected delights and the serendipity of it.

Meeting people from other spheres of life that introduce ideas and occupations you never knew existed. Having outcomes influenced by fresh paths that you cross. Travel is as important as breathing for me. If I am not able to travel, I am not growing… Period.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

A little bit about me

KavitaHi I am Kavita. A Dreamer, Passionate Traveler, Sentimental Dog-lover, Ardent Artist, Amateur Photographer, Enthusiastic Cook, Keen Learner 🙂

It is the small and little things in life that lift my heart and spirit. I love the colour red and blue skies. I love spring, summer, rain and snow! I love organic food, farmers market and things grown naturally. I love simple food, heirloom recipes and Ice cream (yes I can have it everyday). I love to be surrounded by my loved ones and happy people. I love spending time with my puppies. I love to listen to baby’s giggles, good music and positive comments.

I sincerely thank you for stopping by and saying all the nice words. I really, really appreciate it. You people make this virtual world a happy place.


7 thoughts on “About

  1. heyyy…..gr888….congratulations and we are lucky to have many beautiful sites, good food and so much….. its very interesting and well designed…)) luv u always…))

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